
ISO 9001: Quality Management, and 10 more!

Since 2004, our companies have been developing an innovative, high-performance customer culture. AFNOR has just awarded us ISO 9001 certification for the 10th year running. Over and above the quality of our services, this award has many advantages. It enables us to optimize our internal operations, detect market signals, reduce your costs and gain in competitiveness, and offer a service that complies with our customers' requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Where appropriate, we can support our partners in their commitment to quality and responsible management.

Ecovadis : Reconnaissance pour la 5ème année consécutive

This medal recognises our commitment to CSR and marks our advanced performance in the areas of Environment, Social and Human Rights, Ethics and Responsible Procurement. We are now in the top 5% of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

 AirCyber® Bronze: Cyber certification recognized!

In 2023, we were awarded the AirCyber® Bronze label by BoostAeroSpace SAS. This certification was created by the leading players in the aerospace and defense industry, with the aim of helping the entire Aero supply chain to achieve the same level of Cyber protection as the industry's OEMs.

At Alliance High Tech, as in the entire ALLIANCE GLOBAL PROCUREMENT GROUP to which we belong, cybersecurity is an essential component in the management of our business. This certification is a guarantee to our customers in the Aero sector, but also in any other business sector, of the high level of maturity of our organization in terms of cybersecurity. It is also a fine reward and recognition of the day-to-day involvement of our teams in this area.

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